This documentation shows how to manage woocommerce products using WPLocation plugin.

WPLocation gives you the ability to hide/show your woocommerce products to the visitors of specific countries based on the product categories. For example if you want not to show the products in a certain product category to the visitors of country x.y.z you can easily do that. To hide/show products based on product categories navigate to “WPLocation” and click on the tab “Product Categories”. First thing you will need to do is to cahnge the option “Do you want to use this section settings?”  from “No” to “Yes”.

Product Option WPLocation

Under the tab “Product Categories” you will see a table whose first column “Product Categories” will list all of your product categories and in the second column “Select Country/Countries” you can select country/countries for which you want to hide/show the products from the product category and in third column “Include/Exclude For Selected Countries” you will select whether to show/hide the products for the selected countries in the second column. After that click on “Apply” button at the end of the page.

product configuration WPLocation

Note: If you don’t select any country in the second column, it means that all countries are selected by default. So if you leave the second column empty and select exclude in the third column then it will mean that the products in this product category will be excluded for all the countries.