This documentation is about how to install WPLocation plugin on your website.


Installing WPLocation on your website is very easy and it takes only a few minutes. Here is Step by Step procedure to install WPLocation.

Via the dashboard:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to the Plugins page.
  2. On the Plugins page, click “Add new” and select “Upload”.
  3. Upload the file and wait for WordPress to tell you it’s over. This may take a few seconds.
  4. The installation is now complete.
  5. Navigate to the plugin’s page and activate WPLocation.

Via (FTP) files:

  1. Access your hosting account using your preferred FTP client.
  2. Go to / wp-content / plugins / (or wherever you keep the plugins).
  3. Unpack the file and upload it.
  4. The Installation is now complete.
  5. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to the Plugins page and activate WPLocation.